Q: Describe your path from St. Georges to Corrado Construction.
A: I was a drafting student and finishing my junior year when Corrado Construction came to do interviews at St. Georges. My shop teacher recommended that I interview with them. After interviewing, I was offered a co-op position at Corrado, which meant two weeks in the field with the surveying crew and two weeks back at school. I did this all through my senior year.
Upon graduation, I became a full-time employee for Corrado Construction as a Junior Estimator. For the first three years, I also attended Del Tech where I obtained an associate’s degree in Civil Engineering Technology. I qualified for tuition reimbursement through the company; they also worked around my schedule so that I could attend classes. During this time, I was also awarded an Associated Builders and Contractors scholarship. I graduated with a 3.95 GPA. Now I’m an estimator and just did my first take-off for an energy plant project.
Q: Talk about the technology you use in your work day.
A: When I first started as a full-time employee, I learned AGTEK software because of my drafting studies in high school. AGTEK is a tool used for estimating quantities, optimizing materials and equipment, created a 3D model of a site and measuring project progress. Math, AutoCAD and drafting are what I’m most interested in so it was a good fit for me. I learned AGTEK under our lead surveyor. Now I’m training our new co-op student to use the software.
I also obtained my drone pilot license through the FAA. I now can fly the company’s drone on job sites, capturing aerial photography and video. I’m also learning how to incorporate drone topography footage into site plans using the latest drone mapping programs.
Q: What do you like about working here?
A: I like the people I work with. Everyone is friendly. The estimators always have time for me to ask them questions; they want to see me grow. The estimators, whom I work most closely with, have many different backgrounds and many points of view when putting together a job, but we work as a team because we all want the end result to be a successful project.
Q: What do you think of the projects?
A: Challenging. Every job is different – where it’s located, the size of the job, how we go about planning for it, who the foreman is going to be – nothing is the same. I learn something new with every job. I have a mentor I work with daily, an estimator who has worked with the Corrados for over 20 years. She has been a wealth of knowledge and keeps me focused on what’s most critical when taking off a job.
Q: How would you describe the company culture?
A: I like how the company is run. Joe Corrado has done a good job at making sure we all feel like a member of the Corrado family. We feel appreciated and respected. Joe, the management team and my coworkers are open, approachable, transparent and supportive – and not only about work. I’m currently in the process of buying my first house and have gone to multiple coworkers to discuss the challenges I’m running into. They have offered guidance, encouragement and what they’ve learned from their own experiences buying a house. It’s a great place to work. I feel lucky to be here and am looking forward to the future.