
Project | University of DE – ASDR ADV. Utility |
Client | Whiting Turner |
Design Professional | CDA Engineering |
Location | Newark, DE |
Job Size | 3 – 5 Million |
Duration | 3 months |
Date of Completion | November 2013 |
Project Overview
The original 5-acre site included tennis and basketball courts and a parking lot. The site was adjacent to Roselle Grove (a stand of trees), where steam and condensate was installed and (1) vault was set. Existing utilities had to be demolished. The water main, sanitary and storm sewers, electrical duct banks and telecommunications all had to be relocated. New mechanical utilities were installed to upgrade the University’s steam condensate and chilled water.
- Placed (7) large mechanical vaults
- Placed 1,100 LF of steam piping
- Placed 645’ chilled water pipe
- Removed and replaced 10”, 8”, 6” & 4” water mains
- Installed new water well piping
- Installed 600’ new sanitary sewer
- Installed new electrical & telecomm duct banks
- Installed 1250’ new storm sewer
Key Challenges
Unknown utilities existed throughout the site so our operators had to work delicately to perform the excavation and keep existing utilities live. Mitigation of over 30” of rain that fell during the summer of 2013 using creative drainage solutions and multiple pumps. Installation of steel casings between 16” and 24” (for installation of product pipe) by jacking and boring under Academy Street four times.